Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Some people RUN from their problems. Other people FACE

The irony of this choice is that people who run
from their problems seek RELIEF, but end up in
PAIN. People who face their issues experience
pain, but end up relieved.

Imagine you had a recurring stomach ache day
after day. You could ignore it in order to avoid
the inconvenience of going to the doctor, the
cost of the prescription, and the discomfort of
the colonoscopy. But the fact is that a recurring
stomach ache is a sign of a health problem that
NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION. And if you don't give it
your attention, it'll end up being a BIGGER
inconvenience, costing MORE money, and causing
you MORE pain.

A problem doesn't go away because you run from
it; it GETS WORSE. The EVENTUAL cost of dealing
with it escalates. Your stomach, for example,
will continue to ache until you finally say,
"Okay, I'll deal with this." Then, and only then,
will you get relief.

You see, we get exactly the
problems we need in our life to fix the things
about ourselves that need fixing.

I want to say that again because it's so

We get exactly the problems we need in our life
to fix the things about ourselves that need

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