Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Village of Charleston, $20,000 worth of Incentives

Monday, August 30, 2010

Interest Rates Have Lowered

Check out this message from them this AM:

We are lowering the interest rate on our FirstHome loan program using our $8,000 down payment assistance (DAP) to 5.49% effective today.
Our rate without down payment assistance (DAP) is 3.95%!

Our full schedule of rates and other program information can be viewed 24/7 on our website at www.nchfa.com. Our underwriting turn times are running less
than 24-hours right now!

Chris Holt
Sr. Mortgage Consultant, NMLS#93067
(919) 416-2225 Direct Line
(919) 595-9796 Secure Fax

16 Sydenham is available in Durham

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I love you but...

"I love you, but I'm not IN LOVE with you?"

What does that statement mean?

A person who says, "I love you, but I'm not IN
LOVE with you," is making a distinction between 2
different feelings. But NEITHER of those feelings
are love!

When a person says, "I love you, but I'm not IN
LOVE with you," they're saying that I CARE about
you but I'm not EXCITED about you.

CARING about someone is a good thing. It's
reflective of CONCERN. But it's different than
love. I care about the starving children in
Africa, but I don't love them.

Being EXCITED about someone is also a good thing.
But it's different than love. I might be excited
to have a relationship with the President of the
United States or a Hollywood star, but that
doesn't mean I love them.

While someone who says, "I love you, but I'm not
IN LOVE with you" seems to be making a
distinction between "different loves;" in fact,
they are expressing their confusion about what
love really is. And that's why they're having
marital problems and maybe even an affair
(because who are they IN LOVE with?).

Love is something we articulate in the vocabulary
of ACTION. Love is a verb. It's not a feeling you
get from another PERSON; it's an experience you
receive as a result of DEEDS YOU DO for another

And those deeds are not a secret. In other words,
love is NOT a mystery! There are specific things
you can do with your spouse to solve your
problems and build love in your marriage. Just
as there are physical laws of the universe (such
as gravity), there are also laws for
relationships. Just as the right diet and
exercise program makes you physically stronger,
certain habits in your relationship WILL make
your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and
effect. If you know and apply the laws, the
results are predictable...you can "make" love.
This is exactly why I created the Marriage
Fitness program. I wanted to offer people a
step-by-step system to make and maintain love in
their marriage. And the program works for any
marriage, even if only one spouse does it.
Very often in the program someone will say to me,
"I love my spouse, but I'm not IN LOVE with my

My immediate response is to ask, "Can you list
for me 5 ways in the last week that you've
DEMONSTRATED your love for your spouse?"
I usually hear noise on the other end of the
phone; grunts, partial statements, and gasps for
breath, but none of what I hear ever passes for
an answer to my question.

"I love you, but I'm not IN LOVE with you" is a
cop out. It basically means that I have no clue
how to make a relationship last LONG-TERM so I'm
exiting to get high from another short-term
romance. But whoever they're IN LOVE with now
will also eventually hear, "I love you, but I'm
not IN LOVE with you."

Of course, this is all fine and good, but it's
really your spouse who needs to hear this, right?
Do NOT print this email out and give it to them.
And do NOT tell them what I said.

Getting your spouse from "I love you, but I'm not
IN LOVE with you" to "Okay, let's give this
another chance" is a tricky task. If this is your
situation, it's crucial you handle it properly.
One false step and your marriage could be over.
If you take the right steps, you can draw your
spouse back in and begin to restore your marriage
TOGETHER. How do you do that? This is what I
teach in the Lone Ranger Track of the Marriage
Fitness Tele-Boot Camp. I'll teach you how to
bring your spouse back without applying pressure
that will drive them farther away. For more info,
go to:

The Marriage Fitness Tele Boot Camp is a 7-week
marriage-transforming AT-HOME (that's right, all
you need is a telephone) multi-sensory program.
The next one begins September 2. To register or
for more info, go to:

If you can't wait until the next boot camp begins
or if you don't have 7 weeks to turn things
around, then order...

A 9-Phase interactive multi-sensory
relationship-changing self-guided system that
gives you everything you need to transform your
marriage. And you get it all tomorrow! For more
information or to order, go to:

Depending on your circumstances, you may also
benefit from private sessions. I do phone
sessions and full-day intensive "house calls."
For more information, go to:

If you need help with your marriage, at the very
least get yourself the MARRIAGE FITNESS AUDIO
LEARNING PROGRAM. It's a 5 CD audio listening
program that you'll find to be an invaluable
guide to renewing your marriage. If you don't
have it, then you can't be serious about fixing
your situation. For more info or to order, go to:
Let me know if you have any questions and what I
can do to help.

Wishing you well,

Mort Fertel
Author & Founder of Marriage Fitness

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nuture Yourself

Nurture Yourself

In an economy where yearly raises are often a thing of the past, you might be finding it difficult to keep yourself motivated day after day. The following tips offer some non-monetary ways to make your job more rewarding until the economy picks up.

Nurture yourself on the job by creating a cheerful, comfortable work space.
Choose healthy attitudes and opinions. Decide to have a great day.
Take a lunch break. Resist the urge to eat at your desk every day.
Stop and smell the flowers (literally and figuratively).
Make friends with positive people.
Make it a point to share good news.
Spread some gratitude and appreciation.
Share a funny story with a co-worker.
Volunteer for a project that will allow you to work with different people.
Develop hobbies or interests outside of work.

Home Maintenance Tip

Home Maintenance Tip -

Tennis, Anyone?

Do you have tennis balls just sitting around losing their bounce? Here are some creative ways to use them without ever setting foot on the court.

Cut an X in a tennis ball and slip it over the end of an old broom handle. Rub the ball over scuff marks on your wood or hard surface floors, and voila...they're gone...with no bending, stooping or scrubbing!
Got a light bulb that broke off in the socket? Carefully clear away any remaining shards of glass, then gently push a tennis ball against the light socket and twist to remove the bulb's embedded stem.
Cut an X in a tennis ball and slip it over the head of a hammer. Now you're less likely to ding up fragile or expensive wood.
Cut a tennis ball in half and use one of the sides to open those stubborn jars.
In the garage, hang a tennis ball on a string from the ceiling so that the ball touches the top left corner of your car's windshield. Now you have a marker and know exactly how far to pull the car in every time!